Am Dienstag, dem 25. Februar 2025, laden die Musik-Ensembles zum Halbjahreskonzert in die Aula ein. Los geht's um 18 Uhr.
Das Fachcurriculum Englisch wird auf Anfrage von der Fachschaft zur Verfügung gestellt.
Besuch des White Horse Theatre an der JMS
Am 10.11. und 11.11.2016 trat das White Horse Theater zum zweiten Mal in der Jungmannschule auf - dieses Mal mit drei verschiedenen Theaterstücken für alle Schüler der 5.-12. Jahrgangsstufen.
Für die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 5. und 6. Klassen wurde das Phantasieabenteuer "The Dark Lord & the White Witch" aufgeführt, das an die Trilogie "Lord of the Rings" von J.R.R.Tolkien angelehnt ist. Das vielseitige Bühnenbild, die bunten Kostüme sowie die einfach gehaltenen Dialoge und die gute schauspielerische Darbietung ermöglichten unseren Orientierungsstufenschülern ein gutes Verständis der Handlungen.
Für die Schülerinnen und Schüler Mittelstufe (7.-9.Klassen) wurde das Theaterstück "Move to Junk" gezeigt. Hierbei handelte es sich um ein einfühlsames Drama, das sich mit den Gefahren des Cybermobbing auseinander setzte und zum Nachdenken anregte.
Für die Oberstufenschülerinnen und -schüler wurde eine gekürzte Adaption von W. Shakespeares bittersüßen Komödie "Was Ihr Wollt"oder auch "Twelfth Night" aufgeführt.
Die Theaterstücke wurden - wie bereits im vergangenen Jahr- durchgängig auf Englisch präsentiert und zusätzlich im Englischunterricht behandelt.
Im Folgenden finden Sie einige Schülerbeiträge zu den Theaterstücken.
Diese stammen aus dem letzten sowie aktuellen Schuljahr.
Rome und Juliet 2015/2016
White Horse Theater Visits JMS
On 12th April 2016, a group of actors from the White Horse Theater Company came to our school to present one of their current productions to the advanced students: Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’.
First of all, it was fantastic that we were able to see a professional production at our school and did not have to travel to Kiel or Hamburg but could enjoy the play in our own assembly hall in a comfortable and familiar atmosphere.
The introduction to the play included a presentation of the young actors themselves, who were four young adults full of enthusiasm and passion for what they were doing.
In the play that followed they showed us that they were really talented as well. One of them for example managed to act more than four roles most convincingly. By the way, she was able to make the whole crowd laugh by playing Juliet’s nurse in a hilarious way.
In addition to that, I think that the “modern way” of presenting Shakespeare’s dramatic tale of love and hate, i.e. the setting in contemporary Berlin, was extremely helpful to follow the complicated plot. Thanks to that, the student audience gained a much better understanding of the tragedy whose theme is as relevant today as it was four hundred years ago.
Last, I would like to say that the performance was particularly impressive as the group – being a touring company - had only very few stage properties. They did a great job at using the simple but multifunctional means to create the most realistic scenes on stage. Also, the well-chosen music accompanying the action was very effective in stirring the audience’s emotions and making everyone truly feel with star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet.
Last but not least, the performance of the White Horse Theater was a most rewarding experience because we were able to learn English in a completely different setting to the normal classroom.
It really was great fun! (Emily Birn, Q2)
The Dark Lord and the White Witch (2016/17)
The play was very nice because we could lern new vocab. It was very interesting to see and hear how they speak English and it was so exciting. The character Wally was very cool,Lord Morbus and the Woks were scary, and Gala was so beautiful. The ending was exciting and good ! I liked the ending because it was a happy ending! The play wa fantastic and we all could understand it! We all hope that we will see you again. (J.H., Year 6)
I liked the theatre play because it was very exciting and funny. (I like fantasy very much!) I think the best scenes of the play were the first and the second with Willy, Dally and Gala! I liked Willy and Dally but the best character was Gala! I think that the ending was good because it was a positive one. I will be happy if you come back to our school next year! (F.B., Year 6)
Move to Junk (2016/17)
I liked the play and the best scene was the party because it was funny. My favourite character was Stuart because he was the only one who helped Amanda. The costumes were nice and the props were very good, too. I would love to watch another play next year. (E.N., Year 7)
I liked the play a lot because the actors and actresses were great. They played very well and knew the whole text by heart. They also played their roles realistically. My favourite character was definitely Stuart. He played his role well. The beginning was the best and the funniest part of the play. The red suits looked great because they looked like school uniforms. (L.N., Year 7)
I think it was a little bit sad that Amanda was bullied. But it was really cool that Stuart helped her. My favourite characters were Stuart and Kylie. The props were cool but there weren´t many props in the play. The costumes were very nice,too. I liked the jackets best.(M.B. Year 7)
Nachfolgend einige Impressionen: